Dietitian sheenam

Best Cardio Exercises for Effective Weight Loss

Burn Fat Fast: Best Cardio Exercises for Effective Weight Loss

  • Dietitian Sheenam
  • March 25, 2025

Cardiovascular exercises, commonly known as cardio includes any form of exercises or activities that increase your heart rate and breathing. People who are on a journey of weight loss swear by cardio because of the numerous benefits it offers. In this article you will find out the best cardio exercises for weight loss with its other potential benefits.

Cardio Exercises for Weight Loss

For optimal weight loss results, you should combine different cardio exercises to avoid getting bored and finding the best exercise for your body. Combining different cardio exercises feels like mixing various ingredients to make your own special favourite dish. This will make your exercise routine effective and interesting.

1. In-Home HIIT

After a quick warm up of 5 mins with jumping rope, engage in a 20 minute HIIT workout without equipment like jumping jacks, burpees and mountain climbers.

2. Stair Challenge

    Find a pair of stairs and challenge yourself to climb up and down for 15 mins. If that sounds easy for you, try to increase some time. Then combine it with some body weight exercise like squats and lunges

    3. Dance

      Want to try a fun way to reduce weight? Put on your favourite music and dance your heart out for 30 mins to gather multiple benefits together

      4. Outdoor Cardio

        Start with slow jogging for 30 minutes in a park and then a cycling session for about 15 minutes.

        5. Swim and cycle

          Swim laps for 20 mins and enjoy 15 mins of cycling sessions.

          6. Kickboxing

            Kickboxing Is a combination of punching, kicking and cardio exercises. Hence it provides an intense calorie burning workout. It also increases your stamina, mobility and endurance.

            Top Health Benefits of Cardio Exercises

            1. Helps you lose weight: The power of cardio exercise boosts metabolism and burns calories which in turn helps you to lose overall body fat.
            2. Keeps your heart healthy: Our heart pumps blood to all the organs and exercising helps to improve the flow of blood in our heart. This reduces the risk of heart diseases significantly. Cardio exercises also reduce bad cholesterol in our body which in turn regulates blood pressure.
            3. Improves Mental Health: No wonder that exercise not only benefits physically but is crucially important for Brain. Regular cardio regulates your mpod and helps reduce anxiety by releasing endorphins in your blood. Do you feel good after exercising? Definitely! This is because dopamine which is a feel-good hormone is released into our blood after cardio.
            4. Improves Sleep: Regular cardio can help you get quality sleep at night and help with insomnia.
            5. Strengthens your immune system: When you perform cardio exercises, your blood vessels widen. This helps more white blood cells to flow into your bloodstreams. White blood cells are responsible for the body’s defence mechanism resulting in a strong immune system.
            6. Keeps your lungs healthy: Your lungs are capable of inhaling more air than you think. You keep them on rest if you do not let them work as they should. This leads to chronic problems like asthma and other respiratory diseases. Cardio gives a good challenge to the lungs which keeps them healthy.

            How To Use Cardio Exercises for Weight Loss?

            The amount of cardio you need to lose weight depends on your age, weight, diet and some other important factors. Cardiovascular exercise as explained before uses muscles and respiration processes to increase your heart rate. Cardio will help you create a calorie deficit which means the number of calories you co sune needs to be less than the amount of calories you burn. This will create a simple equation:

            Amount of weight you lose= Daily calorie deficit + amount of exercise you perform.

            In General, if you want to lose 1 pound each week, you will have to create a 3,500 calorie deficit which means whatever number of calories you consume in a week, you will burn 3,500 calories more than what you consumed in 1 week.

            Factors That Affect The Impact Of Cardio Exercises For Weight Loss

            Even though you and your friend follow the same process, the amount of calories you both burnt at the end of the week will be different. These are factors which are responsible:

            • Body Composition: If you have greater muscle mass before starting your weight loss journey, you will burn more calories than your friend who has a lower muscle mass.
            • Intensity of workout: The more vigorous the exercises are, the more calories you burn.
            • Overall daily activities: A person with a sedentary lifestyle will burn lower calories than a person with an active lifestyle.
            • Sex: Men burn calories faster than women.
            • Age: Although age is just a number but generally the older you are, the fewer calories you will burn.

            How Many Calories Do Cardio Exercises For Weight Loss Burn?

            To speed up the process of weight loss, you will have to choose the exercises that can burn the most calories in the least amount of time. These exercises when done for 30 mins will burn:

            • Hiking: 216 calories
            • Walking: 133 calories
            • Fast Dancing: 216 calories
            • Running: 288 calories
            • Cycling : 432 calories
            • Swimming: 216 calories.


            Weight loss journey can be overwhelming if performed under proper guidance. Try reaching out for help whenever needed. Consider performing cardio exercises 4 days a week and strength training exercises for at least 2 days with 1 day of rest. Mix and match different exercises that motivate you to continue the next day.

            Also Read:

            1. Best Dietitian For Weight Loss
            2. Best Online Nutritionist in India
            3. Detox Program for Weight Loss


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